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A Baul The Baul

This documentary, A Baul The Baul, unfolds polygonal aspects of the mysterious and mystic life of this religio-cultural sect deeply rooted in Bengal. The phenomenon of ever-increasing popularity of the Baul music and its influence on modern music are unplugged and demystified here. This film deals with their worldview, their music and their interaction with contemporary society. Various practitioners of the Baul music and philosophy like Gour Khyapa, Purna Das Baul, Kanai Das Baul, Brahmakhyapa (an urban Baul music band) and others uphold their understanding on this issue. Moreover, dynamics of the relation between the music and the philosophy in Baul life are discussed. Views and interviews of social scientist like Jane Rowan, research worker like Shaktinath Jha, linguist like Pabitra Sarkar, member of a Bengali rock band (Cactus) like Siddhartha Sankar Ray (or Sidhu), organizers of music festivals, and concerned people across the society have been presented in a way which induces questions and answers on various myths attached to this sect. To conclude, this is a trustworthy documentation to enter inside the enigmatic world of Bauls and their music.

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Documentaries Religion Hindi 2014 01:59:00 HD Via DICE

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