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One Day to Live

One Day to Live will tell self-concluding stories in each episode with the same premise: What would you do if you only have a few hours to live?

María José Magán will be the only actress who will repeat in all the episodes, in which she will play death.

"In each chapter I will visit a different person, of all kinds, of different socioeconomic levels, ages, genders, but each one of them will know that they are about to die and that they have only 24 hours to solve their pending issues. In every story there is a secret and a race against time. He or she will have to assume their responsibility and do the impossible if they want another opportunity" she explained to the Mexican press.

Also available as a format for local production.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Telenovelas Comedy, Drama, Thriller Spanish; Castilian 2021 60 01:00:00 HD English Via DICE

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