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January 1st 2015 the night of New Years Eve never ends as the sun fails to rise in the New Year. In a world plunged into darkness and filled with fear, the human race turns to greed and desperation to survive a lawless society where violence and crime rules. Rus, a terminally ill young man helps the Missionaries bring food to the hungry and helps spread news of hope. With his cancer worsening and with 2 young sisters to provide for, how long can Rus fight a losing battle? Can one person bring back light to the world? Will the sun ever rise again?

Enter the Pitch Competition 2013 Finalist (Pinewood Studios)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Short Films Drama English 2014 00:17:33 HD Arabic, Bengali, English, Indonesian, Malay Via DICE

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