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The Anti-Bin Laden

As Islamic televangelist Amr Khaled travels throughout the Middle East, Europe, and the United States preaching his controversial message of Islamic renaissance, British filmmaker Mick Csáky examines the enigmatic phenomenon of the man Time Magazne named one of the “100 Most Influential People of the Year” in 2007. Over 40 million viewers watch Khaled’s sermons every week as it’s broadcast around the world via Arab satellite channels, and in 2007 his website racked up 26 million hits. Yet despite being hailed as everything from “The Anti-Bin Laden” to “The Rock Star Preacher” by Western journalists, Khaled still remains an enigmatic phenomenon to a large portion of the non-Arabic speaking world. Exactly what is Khaled’s message, and why has his preaching polarized the Muslim world? As Khaled’s popularity continues to skyrocket across the globe, director Csáky works to ensure that his subject’s true philosophy comes through in no uncertain terms.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Documentaries Thriller English 2008 00:35:00 SD Via DICE

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Middle East
Linear Programming - Pay TV
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Hong Kong
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