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Our Territory

Mathieu Volpe returns to the territories of his childhood, armed with a few feet of film, to meet those who were absent from his summer memories: the migrants from Northern and Southern Africa, gathered together for picking in modern plantations. With grace and humility, he reveals a parallel economy and gives both a name and a history to the invisible people he enhances via a sensual, contrasted cinematography, without resorting to misery.

Awards: Signes de Nuit (Paris, France) - Main Award; Retro Avant Garde Film Festival (Venice, Italy) - Best Retro Short Film. Selections: Locarno Film Festival, Castellorizo International documentary film festival (Castellorizo, Greece), Corsicadoc (Ajaccio, France), Festival Mémoire Commune (Nador, Morocco), FIFF (Namur, Belgium), Festival del cinema di Salerno (Italy), Dok Leipzig (Leipzig, Allemagne), Aguilar Film Festival (Spain), Bogoshort (Bogotá, Colombia) & Festival Segni della notte (Urbino, Italy).

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Documentaries Drama, Short French, Italian 2019 00:21:07 HD English, French, Italian, Spanish; Castilian Via DICE

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