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Not Exactly Ken Loach

Dino is twenty-five years old and fervent communist ideals, fueled by a precarious job in a Turin call center. Cinema student at DAMS, he decides to shoot a documentary to denounce the exploitation he suffers at work. But his camera captures a reality far from that of a Ken Loach film. Among rude clients, indifferent colleagues and blackmail from superiors, Dino must learn to adapt to a cynical world where a full stomach counts more than any ideal.

An unique mockumentary short film set in an Italian call center which deals with issues like lack of work and abuses on working places.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Short Films Comedy Italian 2021 00:18:00 4K, HD English, English(UK) Via DICE

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