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Human Time (Menschenzeit)

(EN) An angel emerges from his sphere into the 3 dimensions of planet earth and reflects on "Time", "Truth and Lies" and "Reconciliation". Full HD, 1080p, Stereo 2.0. Also 2k version availible for movie theatres.

Nominations, awards: Official Selection The Lift Off Sessions 2021, Official Selection Berlin Flash Film Festival 2021, Honorable Mentions Berlin Flash Film Festival 2021

(DE) Ein Engel taucht aus seiner Sphäre in die 3 Dimensionen des Planeten Erde ein und reflektiert über "Zeit", "Wahrheit und Lüge" , "Versöhnung". Full HD, 1080p, Stereo 2.0. 2k-Version für Kino ebenfalls vorhanden.

Nominierungen, Preise: Official Selection The Lift Off Sessions 2021, Official Selection Berlin Flash Film Festival 2021, Honorable Mentions Berlin Flash Film Festival 2021

(EN) "Human Time" is one of a whole series of artistic short films made by 21 artists at home and only by using smartphones during the Corona lockdown.

(DE) "Menschenzeit" ist einer aus einer ganzen Reihe von künstlerischen Kurzfilmen, die in der Zeit des Corona-Lockdowns von 21 Künstler*innen von zuhause aus und nur mittels Smartphone hergestellt wurden.

IMDb Request Quote Preview

Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Short Films Inspirational, Mythological, Religion, Religion and Faith, Short German 2020 00:07:01 HD, SD English, German Via DICE

Rights & Territories

Region / Country Rights Avails
DTH - On Demand (All VoD),
DTH - On Demand Transactional (TVoD),
DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Free TV (FTA) ,
Linear Programming - IPTV ,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
Online / Digital,
OTT - App / IP Channel,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)

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