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May December Couple

Maiko is a naïve young lady who led a sheltered life in a wealthy family. She is getting married to Harumi, a 44 years-old middled aged man who is 19 years older than her. And he is divorced once! Harumi had an intention of declining her before meeting her. Maiko is the president?s daughter of an important business partner. He just had to meet her as a business manner. Unexpectedly, he ends up falling for Maiko. They get married after the 3rd date. Overcoming problems that occur every day, a pure and lovely newlywed life with 19 years difference begins!

Wakana Aoi, Terunosuke Takezai

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Series Romance Japanese 2020 8 00:30:00 HD English Via DICE

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