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Inspired: The 30 Second Song Movie

Inspired is a film about indie band the pocket gods' campaign for fairer royalties from music streaming. The band's frontman had an inspired thought about recording just 30 second songs as Spotify paid out a royalty after this length and as it was so small why not make a point and just write and record short songs. This idea led to a series of albums of 100 songs each just 30 seconds long and has gained the band features on the BBC, Channel 4 news, Billboard, Rolling Stone and media all over the world. It has also led to meetings with Spotify and numerous Guinness World Records. The film tells this story alongside the idea of acting on inspired thought and helping create the future that you desire. It's about what happens when you follow your dreams, you take that chance and you act on that crazy idea - if you do follow that urge it could change your life and it just might change the world!

Australian TV - Channel Nine are making a documentary on the film as well.

The film also features the pocket gods playing a 30 second song live set and interviews musicians and artists from all over the world about the issues with music streaming.

Channel 4 news in the UK described the campaign as a David v Goliath situation but with this film real change is coming to music streaming!

Press & PR

The 100X30 (albums of 30 second songs) by The Pocket Gods have received worldwide press including features in Rolling Stone, NME, Wall St Journal, The Independent, Stern, Die Spiegel Channel 4 news, Sky News and BBC World News. This means the film will gain a lot of attention from the world press and Sky News have already confirmed that they would attend a premiere or launch event.

The film finishes with the launch of the £1 million LP - which itself got worldwide media attention so we’d look to capitalise on this.

The streaming royalty issue is ongoing with he UK government (and the US) looking into this further - led to interviews on BBC 5 live and TalkRadio.

Target audience is music artists, musicians, younger music listeners from all backgrounds, tech types plus potential audience interested in this is global not just UK as seen by the press coverage we gained - which was all done by ourselves on zero budget.

Some press links: seconds-long-1442024 for-1-million-heres-why-12711226 of-spotify-royalties-10876/

Nub TV

We also have our own paranormal/music TV show on Sky called Nub TV.

Social Media

Mostly focused around The Pocket Gods own Facebook & Twitter accounts though also use Instagram and TikTok - more potential here to be used.

Guinness World Records

Since this campaign started in 2015 the band have gained 11 official world records and currently hold 3 separate records - all featured in the film and maybe we could stage a PR event to instigate another record around the film and invite GWR and TV etc?

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Documentaries Musical English(UK) 2022 02:23:00 4K, HD Via DICE

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