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Hyper Space War

200 years ago, there was a war between humans in the metaverse and beasts from other world. In order to combat powerful beasts, humans invented ultra-space card device that seals beasts into ultra-space cards. Andy is a young boy who loves ultra-space card competitions, but due to his special physique, he cannot control the energy in the ultra-space cards well. One day, he accidentally obtained a magical card box. Andy decides to search for 4 legendary ultra-space cards, hoping to retrieve his brother by making a wish to ultra-space cards.

total 20 episodes, duration: 15 mintutes per episode

Genre: Adventure, Hero

Chinese dubbing episode

English translaiton subtitle provided


Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Kids Adventure Chinese Simplified 2023 20 00:15:00 Articles & Videos Chinese Simplified Offline Delivery

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