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Boy Romance

New Reality Show - The first-ever LGBTQ+ matchmaking program in Taiwan: "Boy Romance" Series

To introduce Taiwan's first-ever reality dating show for men,  "Boy Romance." The program is expected to run for 45 minutes per episode, with a total of 12 episodes.

    In this five-day, four-night dating event, eight strangers, from being unfamiliar to becoming close, need to discover their suitable partners through getting to know each other. Each member faces various unexpected and chaotic situations with smiles and tears, while also confronting their own life challenges.

Taiwan is a country with more cultural acceptance and artistic freedom, surpassing other Asian countries in the richness of themes that can be explored and the audience's openness. This presents a unique opportunity for Taiwan to develop its own distinctiveness in this field and even venture into the international market, which is a goal Taiwan is striving for. This is the first-ever LGBTQ+ matchmaking reality show in Taiwan, gathering the courage to face love and seeking true destiny through the show, just like traditional dating programs, with an unbiased perspective, and focusing on the love stories of these boys.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Special Interest, Series LGBTQ+ Chinese Traditional 2023 12 00:45:00 HD English, Chinese Traditional Via DICE

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