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The Spirited Adventures of Deenie Mae and Daisy

The Spirited Adventures of Deenie Mae and Daisy is an animated children's series that looks at life's mysteries through the eyes of a precious six year old with sass, spunk and an imagination that leads her into trouble more times than not. With boundless energy and curiosity, she is the life of the Dawson house. Where she lives with her widowed father Franklin, a busy but loving software engineer, and her Glamma Sabrina who is anything but a typical grandmother. Deenie Mae's explorations lead her to meet many new friends as she embarks on adventure after adventure.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Pre Sales Animated Series (long), Animated Series (short) English 10 00:40:00 HD Via DICE

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