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Divorce Hotel

Lisa, a neurotic attorney, takes a job at the NYC Divorce Hotel because her anger issues have seriously reduced her employment options. The Divorce Hotel guarantees a 2-day affordable divorce for separating couples, and its employees are just as complex as its clients. Lisa will have to deal with her coworkers: chill professional mediator Ricky, seductive and manipulative Max, overeager Hector, shady Kevin, flashy Rose, and affectionate Momma Marga. They are like a family-if it weren't for its love triangles and drama. Lisa and Ricky will antagonise each other professionally round-the-clock, and all the employees will be emotionally challenged by the divorcing couples. Lisa's constant clashes with Ricky will eventually transform into the first truly honest relationship each has ever had, and the chance they take with each other that may just be worth it.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Formats Comedy, Drama English, Neutral Spanish 24 00:30:00 HD Via DICE

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