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The Priests' Prison

The Catholic Church compromised with Franco's dictatorship in Spain, where it allowed the imprisonment and torture of its own priests, whose only "crime" was to support the population oppressed by the fascist regime. A group of priests who suffered this imprisonment meet and return to the priest's prison of Zamora to tell us this story. Interviews with key figures and poignant animated images support their stories.

Two version available: 52 mins & 83 mins

83' version available in Spanish (sub.), Catalan (sub.), Galego (sub.), Basque (sub.), French (sub.), Italian (sub.), English (sub.) & 52' available in Basque (sub.) and English (sub.)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Documentaries History Spanish(Castilian) 2022 01:23:00 HD Basque, Catalan; Valencian, English, French, Galician, Italian Via DICE

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