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Timeless Love

Paula Duarte has been married to Rogelio Bermudez for the last 22 years, a marriage that has gone through many bad moments. Rogelio, a macho, dominant, selfish and arrogant man denigrated Paula from the first day of their marriage. They have two problematic children, Daniel and Tania, and with them also lives Carolina, Paula's manipulative mother.

Paula's life will take a turn when she meets again her boyfriend from college, Alejandro Monroy, who also has a troublesome marriage. Both will bring up old grudges but also they will rekindle old love and will have to battle their families burden to be happy once more.

IMDb Request Quote Preview

Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Telenovelas Drama, Romance Spanish; Castilian 150 01:00:00 HD Via DICE

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