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Drowning City

Drowning City tells the story of Ulises, an investigator from an elite police agency that specialises in solving crimes of different nature and emergencies that put in jeopardy the stability of the biggest city in the world.

When an investigation from a colossal accident in the subway takes place, Ulises is forced to go underground to sewage. He discovers and old conspirancy that took place in the 70 ́s that made experiments on humans and which resulted in the creation of a segregated community.

This conspiracy was called “Proyect Miracle” and the survivors of the project had to go into hiding in the sewage after a witch-hunt brought the lives of many of them to an abrupt end. Without knowing, he will find himself in the middle of a war between two groups that wil not hesitate in putting the whole city in danger as the hostilities rise up.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Series Crime Spanish; Castilian 2010 20 01:00:00 HD Via DICE

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