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Home Is You

Aya, a 32-year old musician with no boundaries or doubts about her identity as a lesbian, meets Yaelle, a 29-year old multimedia artist and new immigrant to Israel from a conservative French family. They create performances together. Their encounter develops into a story of true love, and Yaelle makes the difficult decision to reveal her homosexuality to her parents. Hope turns to despair as Yaelle is forced to sever her relationship with her family who refuse to accept her. The young couple flies to Toronto to get married, but Yaelle then suffers an acute post-nuptial depression. She emerges from this depression to face her identity regarding herself, her culture, and her family. Home is You is a brave and intimate documentary portrait. Vibrant, full of humor, real, and touching, Home is You confronts a humanistic struggle for love, marriage, and acceptance for all.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Documentaries Adult Romance, Comedy, Drama, Romance French 2012 01:00:00 HD English Via DICE

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