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AIDS A Parasite Infection That Can Cause Serious Or Even Life-Threatening..... Although Shabana Carried On With Her Life As if Everything Was Wonderful, But She Lived In Fear...She Use To Work As Domestic Helper Where She Was ASSAULTED........ 

Inteha is a short film- A Digital Entertainment World Production 

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Short Films Drama Urdu 2015 00:25:00 HD Via DICE

Rights & Territories

Region / Country Rights Avails
DTH - On Demand (All VoD),
DTH - On Demand Transactional (TVoD),
DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Free TV (FTA) ,
Linear Programming - IPTV ,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
Online / Digital,
OTT - App / IP Channel,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Free (FVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
Physical (eg. Blu ray),
Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)

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