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My Sweet Rommate

University student Tsutomu meets a new girl called Ageha at the welcome party of Children’s Literature Club. She is a delicate and lovely girl but is soon to become late 20’s. She was working but after making the decision to study, she sat the national examination to become a university student. Tsutomu cant stop paying attention to Ageha.. What is more intriguing is that she looks exactly like the unknown girl that came into his dream! After his homestay house burns down in an unfortunate fire, he starts living together with Ageha. They are attracted to each other, but with Tsutomu’s search for employment and Ageha’s unexpected pregnancy, the two are constantly facing problems.. What is the relationship between the mysterious girl in his dream and Ageha? Where is the love of the two people of different age and background headed to? A mysterious romantic comedy of love growing in a various and complicated human relationship.

Shiho Takagi Shinpei

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Series Adult Romance Japanese 2014 8 00:50:00 HD English Via DICE

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