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Eternal Triangle

Yukiteru, who was caught up in a household blaze as a child, has lived at the home of his childhood friend Yuno for over ten years. They are now high schoolers, and everyone knows that they are officially a couple. One day, transfer student Rena arrives on the scene, and Yukiteru embarks on a physical relationship with her.Yukiteru is officially going out with Yuno while engaging in an affair with enigmatic transfer student Rena. He comes to his senses and tells Rena they have to break it off, but ends up returning to her arms anyway... Then out of nowhere, they are confronted by Yuno.

Yanagi Yurina Ishida Tomoyuki Motoyama Nami

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Series Adult Romance Japanese 2015 8 00:45:00 HD English Via DICE

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