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Combat Q

In an untraversed dessert, the only source of water and oasis is built as a beautiful town named Q-Town, which is under the protection of Q-Star League. Flame, the captain; Thunder, Shine, Iron, base camp correspondent Mey are the members of it. Q-Star League is deeply loved by the residents and even Thunder’s younger brother Flash eagers to be one of the member of the team.

The peaceful life of Q-Town is broken by a group of crasher – the Buster Gang: Cyclone, Phantom and Snap. The gang sneak in the town and tend to collect things such as machine parts, water and electricity, etc. Q-Star League always be there to stop Buster Gang from destroying the town.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Season Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Kids Animated Series Short, Anime English, Chinese Simplified 2019 1 26 00:13:00 HD English, Chinese Simplified Offline Delivery

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