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Kung Fu Brothers

One day, a young student cartoonist called Master was doodling on a piece of paper, and drew a smart but rebellious Bunny and a loyal but timid Doggy. All of a sudden they came to life and jumped off the paper, As they had no wish to remain as just doodles! Master, Bunny and Doggy became roommates and family. However, Bunny and Doggy often get out of control. Indeed, their characters are quite the opposite, which leads them to fight nearly all of the time.

Season 1 (2015): Kung Fu Bunny (12 x 7'30mins)

Season 2 (2020): Kung fu Brothers (10 x 5mins)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
Kids Animated Series Short, Comedy, Educational : Pre School, Family, Pre-School, Short No Voice 2020 22 00:07:00 HD Via DICE

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