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A Heretic in the Ward (Un Eretico In Corsia)

Brother Alberto Maggi is a biblical scholar who lives in the center of Italy, where he also started the Centre for Biblical Studies. Because of his modern and cutting-edge ideas, he has always been considered a heretic in the Catholic Church. When he felt very ill in 2012, he was taken to the hospital in Ancona where he spent 3 months. During this stay, he wrote a personal diary which became after a few years a best-seller book, and today a movie.

The true story of a modern man of the Church, who is known all around the world for his ideas far from the traditional Catholic Church and that anticipated the revolutionary religion of Pope Francis. A story of spirituality, faith and freedom.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Biography, Docudrama, Inspirational, Religion, Religion and Faith Italian 2022 01:15:00 4K, HD English Via DICE

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