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Film supported by the Myanmar Catholic Church and UNICEF. Set in the early-1990s, Myittar follows Min, an orphan boy who grew up in an orphanage and becomes a teacher there. One day, he wins the visa lottery and flies off to the U.S. In the tight Burmese community, he eventually encounters a diversity of individuals with different purposes, among them his mother, and ultimately father, whom he learns abandoned him as they were too young. There, he has to decide whether to forgive them and call them family, or move on and take back his life learnings back to the orphanage, his real home, real family.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Drama, Inspirational, Religion & Faith Burmese, English 2023 01:30:00 HD English, Indonesian Via DICE

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