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Temple Food Masters

Alain and Emma join four South Korean temple chefs who are recognized as masters of Korean temple cuisine: Sunjae, Gyeho, Dae-an, and Jeokmun. Through early mornings and hard work, they learn to source ingredients and prepare dishes using traditional methods. Along the way, they hear extraordinary stories from the chefs and meet many people within the temples and surrounding communities.

Each episode of the documentary focuses on one of the four phases of Buddhism: birth, aging, sickness, and death. The four masters each have a unique story related to one of these phases and a distinct perspective on the food and dishes associated with it. Alain and Emma cook with the masters to understand the spirit behind the food, showcasing the Korean temple food that is born from their hands and the real taste it represents.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
DocuSeries Food & Cooking Dutch; Flemish, English, Korean 4 00:30:00 4K English Via DICE

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