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Wine Masters

WineMasters (27×45’) is a 6 seasons internationally acclaimed wine docuseries.

The cinematic documentary series centres around the taste, tradition & terroir of wine, transporting audiences to the infamous wine regions of France, Italy, Austria, Germany, Portugal and Spain. Across 6 seasons, renowned wine critics including Tim Aktkin, Stuart Pigott and Anne Krebiehl explore the delicacies of the grape varieties, terroirs, wines, and wine producers of each location, giving unique insight to the passionate families behind the wines and their own personal stories.

Series 5 and 6 will be completed in 2024.

It’s a unique look at the world’s most famous wine regions, inviting audiences to learn about the intricacies of the industry and the significant family traditions that produce some of the most highly acclaimed wines.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Delivery
DocuSeries Culture, Food & Cooking, Travel Dutch; Flemish 2024 27 00:45:00 4K Via DICE

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