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Who You Are (Wer du bist)

A supra-temporal figure as a voice of thought reflects the question of whether you really know a person, even if you love him from the depths of your soul. The named person also symbolically stands for everything that lives; for all creatures that go their own ways independently, get lost and yet want to arrive where they find true security and genuine understanding. Based on the paintings entitled "The Gallery of Ancestors" by the Swiss painter Raffaela Zenoni, the film shows a collage of music, words and images in which the individual images, arranged as if in alternating triptychs, gradually change and enter into ever new relationships with one another.

Festival Nominations: DOKUart Bjelovar DEC 06 - 10 2023, Dalamatia Film Festival DEC 14 - 17 2023. German movie theatre premiere APR 07 2024 at Filmgarten Berlin Festival. This film is also availible as a DCI-2k-flat DCP (5.1)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Short Films Art German 2022 00:15:00 4K, HD, SD English Via DICE

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