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Man's Work (Menschenwerk)

A first-person narrator takes us on an emotional journey with the help of a colorful and graphically strong sequence of images - from greed and pride to the confession of the longing for security. The graphically and colorfully impressive detailed photographs of cityscapes lead the viewer to a new way of seeing and understanding, based on edting techniques as hard cuts, fades, blurs and morphing. The underlying soundscapes deepen the emotionally moving impression on a more abstract level.

This film is based on the spectacular photographic art of Matthias Fluhrer and deals creatively with the subject of the environment and terraforming. Market premiere will take place in FEB 2024 at EFM/Berlinale, German movie theatre premiere will be APR 07 2024 at Filmgarten Berlin Festival. This short film is also availible as a 2k-DCI-Flat-DCP (5.1) movie theatres.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Short Films Art German 2023 00:23:00 4K, HD, SD English Via DICE

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