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Vainglory is a multiplayer online combat arena game for smartphones, tablets, and PC that is comparable to the popular League of Legends and Dota 2. It has been released in 2014. In this game, two competing teams struggle to reach and destroy the enemy’s base while protecting their own in a tug-of-war for control of three pathways that connect the bases, known as “lanes.” Between the lanes are also “jungles,” which feature animals and goals that may be slain or taken. During the last WESG championship tournament on Vainglory, the team Tribe Gaming won a prize pool of US $60,000.

World Electronic Sports Games (WESG) is an international esports championship tournament created in 2016. It occurs in Shanghai, China and it is organized by a worldwide famous promoter named AliSports. The total cash-prize given at the end of the first edition was around 5,5 millions US dollars. Featuring all stars teams on various worldwide famous games, everyone competes to be recognized as the best of the best.


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Sports eSports, Sci-Fi English 2020 20 01:00:00 HD Offline Delivery

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