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Captures D'Audace

Collection of performances by world-class artists from the jazz family, ranging from the blues of Dawn Tyler Watson, the intoxicating saxophone of Charles Papasoff to the virtuoso piano of Matt Herskowitz. They were filmed in Quebec theaters chosen for their architecture, which serve as real backdrops for the performances, notably the Centennial Theatre in Lennoxville, which by its circular shape evokes the Elizabethan theater, perfect for hosting Shakespeare's sonnets slammed by Charles Papasoff, or the Corona Theatre, the only surviving building of the North American film theater type in Montreal, which, with its horseshoe balcony and art deco interior decor, evokes both the splendour and the dereliction of a bygone era specific to the lonely tango imagined by the Rewild ensemble. Finally, you'll love to discover Paul Picard, Céline Dion's faithful percussionist, Mathieu Désy on double bass and Joss Tellier on guitar (who we discover as a poet), known for accompanying Isabelle Boulay and Diane Tell. Four choreographers-dancers including Vanesa Garcia Ribala-Montoya, prima ballerina at the Grands ballets canadiens evolve also here in a contemporary world.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Season Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Special Interest Music French 2022 1 8 00:30:00 HD English, French Via DICE

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