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Spectre (Spectrum)

It starts with a celebration of love. But all of a sudden, everything grinds to a halt. The bodies try to live, but with a sword of Damocles hanging over them. This Spectre, which gives its name to the show choreographed by David Milôme (a native of Martinique), is the spectre of lurking death. But it is also a tribute to the world of the living and the loved ones who have passed away. While we wait for death, let's live! Despite the subject matter, the rhythmic breaks and the prodigious dancers from Brazil, Uruguay, Cameroon and Martinique are jubilant. Hip hop inspiration mingles with classical and other world dances to dazzle us. Despite the ever-present threat of death, Spectre makes you want to live!

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Special Interest, Lifestyle, Documentaries Art, Concert, Culture, Music French 2022 00:59:26 HD Via DICE

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