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Marathon Men

A select few do what so many others will never do; defy boundaries and break through barriers, starting with their own. They dare to take on what seems impossible; believing anything is achievable. This certainly would not describe 40 year-old Gerry Duffy. A dream defying, self-believer he was not. “I was an overweight, heavy smoker going nowhere fast” he confesses. Gerry began jogging with nothing more than a new pair of runners and a desire to change. A year on, completing his first marathon, a feat of extreme endurance for any athlete, Gerry is left wondering, “What else have I been telling myself I can’t do?”. In July 2010, aged 44, Gerry and Ken Whitelaw begin an incredible challenge, to run 32 full marathons in 32 consecutive days: one marathon in each county on the island of Ireland. Their aim: to inspire people all over the country to come out and run their first ever marathons and raise funds as well as awareness for Autism Ireland. What follows is a year of planning and months of exhaustive training for this unprecedented test of endurance, a challenge that will become much more than just a mark of personal triumph. If they succeed, it will be one of the greatest amateur sporting achievements in Irish history. This story will go beyond the exploration of physical exertion and delve into the minds and motivations of two men who dare to redefine themselves, dare to do what so many thought impossible. Winner Special Jury – Award Rassegna Cinematografica Internazionale 2015. Official Selection 2014: All Sports LA Film Festival.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Documentaries Adventure, British, Sports English, English(UK) 2014 00:52:00 HD Via DICE

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