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London Edinburgh London

‘London Edinburgh London’ follows a group of cyclists from around the world on a remarkable feat of endurance. Join their ride up the length of Britain – from London to Edinburgh and back again – in under five days. Travelling over 1400km, a continuous distance far further than most of them had ever ridden before, our unlikely and eccentric heroes are not only tested physically but face the mental challenge, “can I push myself further, can I go one more day?”.

Official Selections 2017: Bike Days Film Festival & The Big Bike Film Night.

Official Selections 2016: Singapore International Film Festival & I Filmmaker International Film Festival.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Documentaries Inspirational, Sports, Travel English, English(UK) 2016 00:54:00 HD English, Polish Via DICE

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