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The Alphabet Killer

Based on a true story of the double initial killings in Rochester, NY.   Police investigator Megan Paige (Eliza Dushku) is obsessed with the case of the murder of a ten year old girl. Soon after there is news of another murder with the same M.O. and it becomes clear that they’re dealing with a serial killer.  Will she be able to reveal the killer’s identity in time or will the killer go free?

Festivals & AwardsEuropean F. Market / Screamfest F.F./ International Horror&Sci-Fi F.F. / Ravenna Nightmare F.F. / San Sebastián Horror and Fantasy F.F. / Fangoria Chainsaw Awards – 3RD PLACE CHAINSAW AWARD ELIZA DUSHKU

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Crime, Suspense - Mystery , Thriller English, Portuguese, Spanish; Castilian 2008 01:38:00 HD Via DICE

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Linear Programming - Pay TV,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
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OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
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OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
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OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
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Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)
OTT - On Demand (All VoD)
DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Free (FVoD),
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OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
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OTT - App / IP Channel,
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Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)
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DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Free (FVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
Online / Digital,
OTT - App / IP Channel,
Physical (eg. Blu ray),
Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)
North America
DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Free (FVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
Online / Digital,
OTT - App / IP Channel,
Physical (eg. Blu ray),
Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)
United States
DTH - PayTV Channel,
Linear Programming - Pay TV,
OTT - On Demand (All VoD),
OTT - OnDemand Advertising (AVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Free (FVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Subscription (SVoD),
OTT - OnDemand Transactional (TVoD),
Online / Digital,
OTT - App / IP Channel,
Physical (eg. Blu ray),
Travel (InFlight / InCar etc)

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