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Gunfight at La Mesa

When Tate Noble returns to the home of his youth, he teams up with his childhood friend Samuel to avenge his parents' deaths. Samuel is the sheriff of La Mesa now, and he knows who killed Tate's parents back when they were kids. Despite hostility from his father Judge Carter, Samuel joins forces with Tate to get some long overdue justice. The pair enlists help from an unlikely source, the mob, in order to bring to justice the man responsible: the evil Harcourt Simms.

Feature Film, Western Revenge Mystery Thriller, Whodunit, Exploitation 

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Action, Adventure, American, Crime, Drama, Suspense - Mystery , Thriller English 2010 01:28:00 SD English Via DICE

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