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Bigfoot Blood Trap

After inheriting hundreds of acres of land from her estranged grandfather, Shannon, her brother Billy, and a couple of their friends go for a long overdue hunting trip to check things out. They quickly discover that the lands are currently inhabited by a bloodthirsty creature resembling a Bigfoot. The brother/sister duo get in touch with a cryptozoologist with plans of breeding the creature with a human female to prove his theory that the Bigfoot is some kind of missing link in human evolution. Bigfoot Blood Trap is a hilarious indie erotic horror flick that fans of trash cinema and lowbrow entertainment are sure to enjoy.

Feature Film, Horror Comedy, Erotic Horror, Indie Horror, Trash Cinema, Exploitation, Lowbrow Art

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Dark Humour, Horror English 2017 01:35:00 HD English Via DICE

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