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The line between real life and social media is blurred. A social media influencer wanting to capture new content for his successful vlog travels to Moscow with his friends, where he enters a deadly game filled with mystery and danger. Always pushing the limits and catering to a growing audience, the group must fight to escape and survive despite unexpected deadly consequences.

Featuring Denzel Whitaker (Black Panther), Pasha Lychnikoff (The Big Bang Theory TV series, Indiana Jones & Kingdom of  Crystal Skull, Cloverfield, Strek trek, Bullet Train), Daniyar (Marvel's Wanda Vision TV series), Andrei Runtso (Netflix's YOU Series, Amazing Spiderman 2), , Ravil Isyanov (Transformers: Dark of the Moon)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Delivery
Films Adventure, Horror, Mystery/Suspense English, Hindi 2020 01:31:00 HD Via DICE

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