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Fast Draw Fun

Laugh and learn as Bill Dougal turns one thing into another thing, through the magic of markers. Dozens of drawing tricks are demonstrated. Learn about drawing, and easily copy the clever picture. Smile as you see the cartoons quickly develop. It’s a combination of creative problem solving, and fun with shapes. Ideal for ages 5-12, but adults enjoy too.

Entertainment and education combine for unique program. The presenter adds to the fun with a theme song, double-sided props and jokes. Learn about the art of drawing, geometry, and creative thinking. Basic drawing skills, and plans of combining and adapting shapes should lead viewers to create their own drawings.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Kids Art, Educational : Pre School, Educational : Primary and Secondary, Family, Original English 2015 00:58:00 HD English Via DICE

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