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That is the Way to Show the World

Ice Kachang has been a popular dessert since 1950s and was served by itinerant street hawkers over pushcarts in Singapore. Owing to food hygiene problems and urban relocation, they were forced to resettle.  Hawkers used hand cranked machine shaving ice blocks in making the dessert. Ice kachang is no longer just an ice ball, but with more ingredients, not just with condensed milk. Food preparation standard gradually improved. To many Singaporeans who grew up during that era, they would surely have fond memories of it. In Singapore, delicious dessert defines its local food scene and reflects our multicultural heritage. We had those old good days and shall look forward to new ideas. Hawkers leverage their creativity and innovative capacities to attain success and stay ahead of changing marketplace and competitive world. Timeless treasure – our food heritage.  That is the way to show the world.

“That Is The Way To Show The World” MV has widely been featured in local and international media. It has bagged the Best International Film in Royal Bali International Biffest Award and a royal award 2018. Producer Richard Wan received a honorary award for his arts contribution on international platform from King Raja Majapahit of Mancawarna Palace Tampaksiring (Bali, Indonesia). Apart, it has won the Sahar International Short Film Festival Award in the Sixth and Seventh Editions in 2020, with compelling story-telling which breaks boundaries and clichés. It focuses on Young generation with theme: "Cinema about and for children and young people", which looks at their world, and maybe returns us as an adult to our childhood Fantasy, Dreams and wishes which flew with the wind! “That Is The Way To Show The World” has won the Honorable Mention International Award for Sahar Film Festival in UK this year. This MV also reflects Hawker Culture in Singapore for UNESCO’s global recognition.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Kids Educational : Pre School, Food & Cooking, Musical, Nursery Rhymes English Chinese, English 2018 00:02:03 HD Chinese, English Via DICE

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