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Looking for Bernadette

Brother Alberto Maggi, a biblical scholar of the Order of the Servants of Mary, takes us to the places where Bernadette Soubirous had lived. He is assisted by Father Alessandro Amapani, Father Nicola Ventriglia, and Mariarita Ferri. The result is a portrait that breaks down all clichés by giving us back the more human side of Bernadette, with its merits and flaws, and the reasons that drive pilgrims to this small town in the middle of the Pyrenees every year to find themselves.

A documentary to find out more about Bernadette Soupirous, with her merits and flaws, to learn more about a place that every year welcomes thousands of pilgrims from all over the world!

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Documentaries Biography, Religion & Faith Italian 2023 00:52:00 HD English, French Via DICE

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