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It Will End (Se Va a Acabar)

It Will End for the first time collects the silenced testimonies of workers who participated in different union conflicts during the last civic-military dictatorship in the midst of the attempt to dismantle the industry and the organised working class in Argentina. The protagonists were union delegates or activists from Cattaneo and Lozadur ceramics, the tobacco industry, Alpargatas textile, Buenos Aires Subways, the National Bank and the Commission of 25, who were the unionists who faced the dictatorship by organising the historic strikes of April 27, 1979 and March 30, 1982. The characters humanise the small and great resistances that the labor movement managed to carry out in the face of repression and the systematic disappearance of people. A succession of chapters is developed where each one has a title and a main protagonist who shows a different nuance on the struggle and worker resistance in those years. 

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Documentaries Social issues Neutral Spanish 2019 01:55:00 HD Via DICE

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