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Grandchildren: Identity and Memory

During the period from 1976 to 1983 Argentina was ruled by a violent military dictatorship. During these years, thousands of people were kidnapped and killed with total impunity. In many cases, the children of these “disappeared” and the newborn children of pregnant women at the time of their abduction were illegally appropriated. 500 missing children is one of the bleakest legacies of this period. The tireless work of Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo over more than 25 years allowed 77 of these children to be returned to their biological families. Far from attempting a political or historical review of this period, NIETOS rescues, based on the stories of some of these boys, the human dimension that this process of recovering a new and true identity possesses for them; exploring the way in which the history of yesterday is inscribed in that of the present and shows them a path for the future. Nietos is a moving film that also seeks to convey to those young people who still continue with the falsified identity, the importance of reconstructing the puzzle of identity and memory, transforming all pain into life. 

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Documentaries Culture, Social issues Neutral Spanish 2003 01:20:00 HD Via DICE

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