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Chubut: Freedom and Earth

To what extent did the influence of foreign capital come to the detriment of the lives of the native and peasant communities of Patagonia? From what time did the abuses, injustices, and persecutions occur? and the murders? How did successive governments allow it? Nahue and Fernanda travel the west of the province of Chubut, unraveling the problems reported by the affected parties themselves, exposing the narratives officers and following the story of Juan Carlos Espina –medicine in the region and national deputy for the Radical Intransigent Civic Union–, who during the Frondizi government forged a political and social movement to obtain an agrarian reform, against private interests and their collusion by the State. 

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Documentaries Culture, Politics, Social issues Neutral Spanish 2018 02:03:00 HD Via DICE

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