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College Canteen

College Canteen portrays the loves and the lives of teenagers in college and the story revolves around relatable college moments like senior versus junior and fresher’s party

Authentic College Experience: Step into the vibrant world of college life with "College Canteen," where every episode brings to life the relatable joys, challenges, and dramas of being a teenager navigating through the ups and downs of college.

Teenage Romance: Fall in love with the captivating love stories that unfold within the confines of the college canteen, where sparks fly, hearts flutter, and relationships blossom amidst the chaos of exams, friendships, and rivalries.

Generational Rivalries: Experience the tension and excitement of senior versus junior dynamics as students navigate the intricate social hierarchy of college life, where alliances are formed, egos clash, and friendships are tested.

Relatable Characters: Laugh, cry, and cheer alongside a diverse cast of characters, each with their own dreams, struggles, and desires, making "College Canteen" a deeply relatable and emotionally resonant viewing experience.

Friendship and Camaraderie: Celebrate the bonds of friendship and camaraderie that form the heart and soul of college life, as students come together in the canteen to share laughter, secrets, and dreams, forging friendships that last a lifetime.

Slice-of-Life Drama: Immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of everyday college life, where mundane moments become extraordinary, and ordinary students become heroes of their own stories, making "College Canteen" a captivating slice-of-life drama.

Navigating Adolescence: Explore the universal themes of identity, belonging, and self-discovery as characters grapple with the challenges of adolescence, finding themselves and their place in the world amidst the chaos and excitement of college.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Season Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Web Series, Series Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance Hindi 2022 1 5 00:15:00 HD English Via DICE

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