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The Sarkari Karyalay

Story of commoners and their struggle to get their government errands done at government offices. Officers and their excuses to not do the work end up getting busted.

Real-Life Struggles: Dive into the authentic and relatable world of commoners as they navigate the frustrating bureaucracy of government offices, shedding light on the everyday struggles faced by ordinary citizens in getting their errands done.

Hilarious Excuses: Prepare to laugh out loud as government officers resort to a plethora of creative excuses to avoid doing their work, only to find themselves hilariously exposed and held accountable by determined individuals who refuse to take no for an answer.

Satirical Commentary: Enjoy the witty and satirical commentary on government inefficiency and corruption as the show cleverly exposes the absurdities and frustrations of dealing with bureaucratic hurdles, sparking thought-provoking conversations about governance and accountability.

Social Relevance: Engage with a socially relevant narrative that shines a spotlight on the systemic issues plaguing government institutions, fostering greater awareness and prompting conversations about the need for transparency, accountability, and reform.

Timely and Topical: Stay tuned for a timely and topical series that reflects the frustrations and aspirations of citizens grappling with bureaucratic hurdles, offering both comedic relief and a rallying cry for change in today's society.

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Season Episode(s) Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Web Series, Series Comedy, Drama, Family, Romance Hindi 2021 1 5 00:10:00 HD English Via DICE

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