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Once Upon A Time In Shanghai

In the 1900’s, Ma Yong Zhen joined many hopeful laborers to seek work in Shanghai. Remaining honest and refusing to join a gang, he became friends with gangster Long QI. Japanese spy Hashimoto, furious that Long turned down his proposal, tries to kill both of them. Ma luckily survives, and is now determined to help his people by decimating the bad elements in Shanghai.

Nominations: Woo-Ping Yuen nominated for best action choreography at the Hong Kong Film Award

IMDb Request Quote

Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Action, Crime, Martial Arts Chinese, Japanese, Chinese Cantonese 2014 01:36:00 HD Chinese, Japanese, Chinese Cantonese Via DICE

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