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Z: Endless Hope

Akari, a high school student, talks to her best friend, Megumi, about her heart broken story. Suddenly their normal lives are turned up-side down— because a man attacked a fisherman tries to attack the two girls. However, they are saved by a girl covering with an eye patch. She slashes down the man = Z by her long-sword. She cuts off its legs, arms, even head, but still Z tries to attack them. The 3 girls meet Kasumi, a pregnant sister of Akari, on the street and they try to take refuge at a hospital. But on the way up to the 7th floor, which is only the safe place in the hospital, Megumi accidentally falls down to the basement of the hospital. On the 7th floor, there are 6 refugees including a tough-guy, Yamashita, and Civil servant, Taira.

Desperate people reveal their true colors— Kasumi’s death after giving birth, mystery about Z’s growth, etc, how they can survive from the disaster!? What will be the destiny of the three girls and a new born baby?

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Action, Horror Japanese 2014 01:49:00 HD English Via DICE

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