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3 Puffs

A man would like to make a better life for his waif and new born baby, in a strange way.


Mojtaba and Nasim, a young couple just had a baby. They reside in the south of Tehran, yet they are relatively happy. Mojtaba sells disposable plastic dishes and Nasim makes dolls at home. After mojtabas accident, strange events occurred in their life and Nasim realized that her husband was a drug trafficker.

Nasim did all to save her family and turned into a trafficker in no time...


Director’s Statement:


The storyline is about most people living in large urbanized areas such as Tehran; a tragedy that by a single wrong decision shall lead to a disaster and ruin everything. But the film's story  just like cinema in its darkest days, ends with a glimmer of light and hope.




-International Film Festival of India, Goa. 2021

-Chennai FF 2021 India

-Image d'iran FF, 2021 France

-Slemani FF 2021 Iraq, (Winner of the Best Actor Award)

-Pioneer FF 2021 China. Postponed

-Dhaka Film Festival, 2022.

-Women's Film festival Milan,2022 Italy

-International Police Award FF, Pesaro Italy 2022 (Winner of the best Script, Best Actress)

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Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Adventure, Crime, Drama Persian 2020 01:35:00 4K English Via DICE

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