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Garak Market Revolution

Premiered at the Jeonju Film Festival 2016 – Korea Cinemascape. One of the example of the vitality of the young Korean Cinema, Garak Market Revolution gives a delicate and funny insight of modern South Korea, with a hopeful social message. Young Doo-soo works at the popular Garak Market, while lying to his parents, saying he has a regular job in a company. His boss makes him discover his potential for Korean traditional chess, that Doo-soo uses it for gambling. Yet he has a goal : help the poorest people of his neighborhood, boosted by his girlfriend who is involved into social activism. Will Doo-soo manage to change his life, or even… start a revolution?

Jeonju International Film Festival 2016 Other Screenings: EMU Artspace (2-Feb-2017); KCCUK, Korean Film Nights (17-Aug-2017); Deptford Cinema, UK (25-Oct-2017)

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Films Comedy, Drama Korean 2017 01:28:00 HD English Via DICE

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