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Sun Flower

When Xiangyang was ten years old, his grandmother passed away, and he went to live with his father. Father and son used to be strangers but now they gradually get along very well. In order to make his family lead a better life, father goes away from home to find work. Xiangyang was misunderstood by his stepmother, and he left home to find his father. While his father died in a Mine and Xiangyang has to raise the poor family.

Auburn Film Festival for Children & Young Adults 2017 (Sydney, Australia) - Best Feature Film About/For Children; Shanghai IFF 2018 - Best Cinematographer Nominee; SIFF Asian New Talent Award Nominee Jagran Film Festival 2017 (Mumbai, India); Okinawa Movie Festival 2018; Dhaka International Film Festival 2018

IMDb Request Quote Preview

Category(ies) Genre(s) Language(s) YoP Duration Format(s) Subtitle Delivery
Films Drama, Family, Social issues Chinese 2018 01:37:00 HD English, Indonesian Via DICE

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Asia Pacific
Sri Lanka
Linear Programming - Free TV (FTA)

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